Jen Lancaster + Emily Giffin = Chick Lit Perfection!

I want to be the perfect combination of my two favorite Chick Lit Authors. Feel free to call me “Jen Giffin” OR “Emily Lancaster”, I don’t care, they are both phenomenal.
I recently had the enormous privilege of meeting them both, yes my idols, within 30 days of each other AND completed my first ever manuscript in-between <gasp>! WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? Why do I love these women? Let me count the ways. They are down to earth fabulous women. The kind of women you know you would be friends with should the circumstance arise.
Jen Lancaster

Case in point, Jen Lancaster and I are “sisters” as in sorority sisters! We have a secret handshake and everything. I took a very important private oath to never divulge it so it will have to remain our little secret, sorry girls. When I met her at her Gallery event in Lake Forest, highlighting her other passion, painted furniture, I felt like it I was visiting with a long lost friend. She was extremely personable not to mention she rocked the event with her sunglasses strategically placed on top of her head, just like me. In reality I carry a small wallet wristlet so my sunglasses don’t fit. She also happens to put on her lipstick in mid-sentence which is also another signature move of mine. I had to capture the moment on film.
She’s just as beautiful as you would imagine and made everyone there feel important. I just wanted to give her a big hug. Scanning the crowd you could see the excitement in the other fans eyes being star struck, circling the room waiting for the perfect opportunity to ask her for a photo or autograph. I’m quite sure my personal footprints are still ground into a particular crazy eight pattern, in the Gallery carpet, from front to back attempting not to be a stalker. Look kids Big Ben, Parliament. Jen, did you like my reference there to Chevy Chase? I know it’s from Vacation but Chevy Chase was also Fletch, and your husband’s Fletch and he was there too so didn’t want to leave him out.

Emily Giffin

Then there is Emily Giffin! We both grew up in Naperville, IL, two years apart and went to rival high schools but know several people in common. She took Andersen’s Bookstore by storm visiting with all her hometown favorites. She was such a delight! She didn’t rush anyone. She took time to hear each small-world story and take a picture even though Potter’s Place margaritas were screaming her name. She really has stayed true to her small town charm. She’s a class act. I told her I just submitted my first manuscript which was inspired by my dear friend who passed away after high school. She seemed genuinely touched and even put up a personalized Facebook post to me the following day.
In conclusion, these two incredibly inspirational women have blazed the trail for funny, smart and witty novels for women and continue to deliver again and again. If I am lucky enough to have one small iota of their success, I will consider myself eternally blessed. Thank you for being my literary heroes!